...world fusion, past and present and future...

Byzantine Time Machine
Byzantine Time Machine
byzantine time machine music group logo
byzantine time machine music group logo

"Reflections of Lyra, on Cafe De Anatolia records out now!!!

Reflections of Lyra, a 6 track EP of organic house music influenced by Greek, Turkish, Balkan, and Middle Eastern traditions.

Byzantine Time Machine - live "Mediterranean House" set is available for booking.

Inquire at Byzantinetimemachine@gmail.com

Music that transports you through time
Adventure in Istanbul - Turkish Trap Music

Blending ancient scales, instruments, and rhythms with modern arrangements and sound design, this song captures the essence of our musical exploration.

Blending ancient scales and rhythms with electronic music
Trapped in the Sultan's Palace

This song features Middle Eastern Oud (Ronnie Malley) and Turkish clarinet (Eve) and Persian style percussion, (George on tombak and clay pot drum).

It is in the Maqam Nawa Athar

Kashmiri Mind Meld

This song was recorded starting with a tombak drum and a ghattam clay pot drum, both of which are used in Kashmiri music.

A temporal Odyssey
Electronic music is today's folk music
Blending ancient scales and rhythms with electronic music